Friday 17 April 2015

Credit Repair Can Be Simple and Free Without Embarrassment

Having a bad credit score doesn't have to be the end of your financial life. There are a lot of things that you can do to bring that score up and start rebuilding your credit for the future. This article will show you how you can make this happen.

From my time spent as a car salesman I've noticed that most people don’t know what is really on their credit report.  Once they actually see it they usually find something that they would like removed, they just don’t know how.  This is a very common problem.  Actually credit repair is pretty simple.  You need to remove your negative credit lines and start or continue to build your positive credit with on time payments.  It is really that simple.

All you need is some time or a little money and your credit score will be as good as anyone else.  First you will need to get your credit report.  Once you have it you need to identify the negative credit lines that you want to remove.  Here is were you have to decide which one you have more to spare time or money.  If you have the time you will need to send a dispute form to the three major credit bureaus.  If you need a dispute form I have one available on the link below.  They will have thirty days to prove that you owe the debt or they have to remove it from your report.  There is close to twenty reasons of dispute so you can do it as many times as necessary.  If you don’t have the time you will need to pay a professional.  They are reasonable at around forty-five dollars a month for the three to four months that you will need.  Whichever way you choose you will still need to add good credit to raise your score.

The easiest way to add positive credit lines is with credit cards.  All you need is two or three open lines with on time payments and your credit score will raise in four to six months.  Just be careful, don’t let the credit cards get you into trouble.  Leave your cards at home so that you are not tempted to use them.  All you want is a low balance that you can make low payments and use it to build your score.

Having great credit may seem like a dream right now, but if you work hard at it and let time be on your side, you will be able to increase your score and have a credit report that will open up a whole new world of financial possibilities. If you have some patience and perseverance, you can get started on your credit repair today.

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